Hope Comes from Truth

Soon after arriving in India my wife and I were in language school learning Hindi. We studied a lot and were constantly trying to find ways in our community to use and practice the Hindi we were learning. Having both served with children in the United States, we were naturally drawn to India’s children and decided to begin a children’s club in our neighborhood. We would be able to practice our Hindi, and the children would be introduced to Jesus and the Bible . . . a win/win! 

 One day after teaching the Easter story, we asked the children questions to review and check their comprehension. One of the questions was “Did Jesus stay in the tomb?” My wife and I were both expecting the answer of "nahin" (“no!”) or “galath” (“false”)—the answers the kids had given for previous questions—but to our shock three kids SCREAMED out the word "jhoot," which means "LIE!"

 “Lie” was not the answer we were expecting, but it was even more true than the correct answer. Their answer emphasized how satan constantly sows lies about Christ’s death and resurrection. Satan constantly tries to get the world to believe that Jesus did not really rise from the dead. He spreads the lie that Jesus is still dead, that Jesus is still in the tomb. Those three Indian children shouted out the right response to satan's ploy: “LIE!”  

 Jesus did die, but He did NOT stay in the tomb! He did not remain dead! He is risen! He is risen indeed!

 Today the father of lies continues to whisper untruths and distortions of the truth. He speaks lies constantly:  “You are not going to make it,”  “You do not measure up,”  “You have no value,” “You’re not going to have enough money to pay your bills,” and perhaps the most insidious lie of all, “God does not care about you or your situation.” 

 The enemy knows if he can get us to believe a lie, then the hope we have in Christ will be diminished. Whenever we believe a lie, we empower Satan in that area of our life. Satan manipulates all he can, but Jesus promises us that if we will abide in His word, then we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.[1]

 What lies are we allowing ourselves to believe or meditate on today? Allow God to reveal them to you, and then get them out of your mind and heart by replacing them with truths from God’s Word. For example, when we hear the enemy whisper, “You will never kick this habit,” we need to label it as the Indian children did: “LIE!” Then we need to declare God’s truth over ourselves: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”[2]  “For He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”[3] Let’s ask God to reveal His truth regarding lies the enemy has sown. 

Followers of Christ cannot afford to have any thought in our heads that is not in God’s. This resurrection season let’s be quick to renounce lies and determine even more to abide in Christ’s Word and His truth that sets us free!

 [1] John 8:31-32

[2] Philippians 4:13

[3] 1 John 4:4

Antioch Initiative